...I wish.
Greetings Maxxketeers! In honor of this, my 50th post, I come to you live from Grand Rapids, Michigan! Things are running along gleefully. I've gained a girlfriend, lost 25 lbs., and cured cancer!
Okay seriously, though. My comp. has decided not to work for the time being- something about my video card or monitor cord, I'm not quite sure. It's taken me this long to find out how to even get onto one of these computer lab computers, make a password, and gain access to the Internet. My ID swipe card has also just today (keep in mind I've been here five days) decided to let me into my apartment complex and/or gain me food-eating privelages. The "Help Desk," by the way, refused to fix any computer-related issues I was having. Great Help. Oh and I like how these people sign thier students up for classes without asking the students. So yeah, they're real together out here. Enough.
I saw Million Dollar Baby tonight, which was great fun since I haven't seen a movie in like a week. All my professors are awesome, and the classes are gonna be really cool. And the best part- I'm actually required to watch two movies a week. How sweet is that? Well, in case you were wondering, it's very sweet. Laundry is free, the food is good, and Pepsi has soda control on the campus. Most of my roommates are cool, even though I share nothing in common with them, and I'm trying to get ahold of a guy who runs a student-run film thing around campus. People say he's always looking for people. Apparently they're renovating my apartment building, one room at a time, and I think they're supposed to get the whole thing done by the end of the semester. So like half way through I might move to a much nicer room. And/or have poster-hanging space. We'll see.
I'm taking American Film, World Cinema, Screenwriting, and Video Production II. I had to beg my way into a few of those, but I figured if I didn't get all four classes I wanted, there was no point in me being here. I had half a mind to threaten to leave! Ha ha. But anyway, it's 15 credits, so I'll have plenty of movie watching to d- I mean, plenty of work to do. I'm set.
Crap, I just remembered- I missed National Hugging Day.
I think Best Buy closes at 7 out here. I went to get an Ethernet cable and their doors were locked. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
There was this one girl that I passed on campus who said Hi to me. I think I'll marry her. No, I don't know her name or how to find her. Give it time, will ya?
I'm gonna need lotsa ideas for scripts and short films, so if any of you come up with something clever, don't hesitate to send it my way. I feel a *bit* behind with not having taken Video Production I, so I need to impress them all with my ideas. Or your ideas, whichever come first. Books for all my classes were only like $200, oh plus a $75 fee for VPII. OH and get this- I'm walking down the hall in the COM building, and there's a bench piled with books about filmmaking with a note "FREE BOOKS." Yoink. Three days a week, my first class isn't until 1:30 either. T/Th 10:30. I think I'm gonna get fat though.
Bored yet?
Oh yeah, in case any of you were looking for the next chapter of China Attacks, be patient. It takes a while to write one of those, and I hate this computer lab crap. I know you're all desperate to find out how Rebecca got their boss to let John go along, but don't worry...all in good time.
Well, it's been a trip, I hope this was good enough to warrant another 50 posts. If my computer ever gets working I'll be on more often to update.
Epsilon 34
3475 Burton Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49549
616-526-0220. Cell not working.
Keep it, yo.