Thursday, February 24, 2005

Better Luck Tomorrow...

...on taking today's trip.

Recent events have led me to find that I have the opportunity to see two more Oscar noms. before the awards. Motorcycle Diaries is on DVD, and Being Julia is playing somewhere across state. So I'll be off to Flint tomorrow (that would be Michael Moore's hometown) to see that. I was going to go tonight, but apparently there is more than one "Flint," and the one I thought it was in is closer to Lansing. The one I have to go to is much beyond that. But anyway, I'll get to see them both, which is good, cuz between the two there's like five nominations. So yeah.

Things are pretty quiet around here, just doin' homework and crap. I saw Donnie Darko finally (director's cut), and enjoyed it very much. I think I need to read up on some of the symbolism, as I don't think I understood some of, but I liked the movie as a whole. I wanted to watch it with the director's commentary that includes Kevin Smith, but didn't have a chance to...perhaps someday.

I'm still learning lotsa crap, so at least there will be a few sporadic scenes in WS3 that are better than the rest. Oh and I need two names for characters in my screenplay- a guy and a girl. Someone give me good names. It almost feels wrong to be writing something new, as I've spent so much time with WS series characters in my head...I feel like Bandit should be after them or something. Keep it, yo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condesa = "countess" in Spanish
Noelle Petra Shayna or Shaena Rioja Fantasma = "ghost" in Spanish Fantome = "ghost" in French

Yuri Jude Vin Traum = "dream" in German Reve = "dream" in French Seraph Trommel = "drum" in German, ie something that makes noise but is empty (SYMBOLISM is our friend)

February 25, 2005 at 1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condesa = "countess" in Spanish
Noelle Petra Shayna or Shaena Rioja Fantasma = "ghost" in Spanish Fantome = "ghost" in French

Yuri Jude Vin Traum = "dream" in German Reve = "dream" in French Seraph Trommel = "drum" in German, ie something that makes noise but is empty (SYMBOLISM is our friend)

February 25, 2005 at 1:04 PM  
Blogger Charles W. said...

Honestly, when I think of a guy and a girl together, your sister and Brian are the first people to come to mind. I'm sure this freaks me out more than you, but there you go.

February 25, 2005 at 2:33 PM  

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