Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy Accidents...

...are always welcome.

So we got all these new computers and crap installed at the Budge a few days ago. I was really excited about it after looking at the equipment (touchscreen monitors and the like), then not so excited after kinda using it. And Sarah royally pissed me off a million times 'cuz she kept making all the managers come up to "learn to use it," which never actually happened since she was too busy freaking out and not teaching us anything. I swear she blames everyone else for everything that doesn't even matter and she needs to chill the crap out. Blah. So I basically figured out how to do it all myself today.

And THEN I accidentally but awesomely figured out that we have the Internet both in box office AND in concessions. So I'm in box right now, writing to you, my faithful Maxxketeers.

WS update:

Possible horses, I'll find out later this week.
Only a few scenes left to shoot.
I designed the CD covers today, and they look spifariffic. Or at least they should when I make them. I was going to make it a surprise, but since no one actually reads this, it won't matter if I say- I'm going to have the CDs available for purchase after the premier of WS3. That'll tie people over quite nicely until the release of the DVD, which should also look quite awesome.

Enough for now. Why isn't my web site up yet? Oh yeah, I haven't even told Andy to get me started. Soon enough, soon enough. Keep it, yo.


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