Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Day After Tomorrow...

...will hopfully be simpler than this one.

It certainly has been an interesting and eventful, not to mention clever and timely few weeks. That is, if by "timely," I mean "not very well timed." I'll get to that part in a bit.

I don't even remember all the things I was going to write about. Alas. It all started early last Friday morning (July 22nd). I got up early to catch up with Andy so we could go bachelor party shopping down 94. Overall the event was quite lovely, and I felt no emotional tension between him and myself. We went first to the Dick Bong Recreational Area to get Matt a shirt or something, as a way of remembering Wisconsin once he leaves us all behind. Guess what. They don't sell shirts that say "Bong Recreational Area" at the Bong Recreational Area...yeah, that's what I said. We then stopped at the ultra-expensive ($16.00 for a stick of salami???) Mars' Cheese Castle/Factory/Store/Whatever. And yes, that's "Mars'" as in it's posessive. It belongs to Mar. You learn something new every day. We got Matt some curds. They were fresh out of whey (No way!). Ha-ha. Good one, Tim. Moving on...

They did not sell Bong Recreational Area shirts at Mars' Cheese Castle/Factory/Store/Whatever. On to Gander Mountain! They did not sell Bong Recreational Area shirts there either. Mr. Bong needs to learn some marketing strategies. On to the porn store. This part was interesting. After assuring Andy that I was not interesting in joining him inside, I purchased a Livewire Mt. Dew from the local Pepsi Co. vending maching and popped a squat near the front door. You'd be amazed how many people visit porn stores at 10:30 in the morning on a weekday. Mexicans, overweight women, businessmen, and bachelor party shoppers, apparently.

What the crap is my cat doing??? Once sec.

Where was I? Porn store. Okay, so I'm chillin' out front, and before long, an employee comes marching out to inform me that I can't be front of the store.

"I'm just waiting for my friend-"
"Go sit in your car."
"Um...okay," Tim said as he headed away. He quickly turned to challenge the rebuke with his ID card, just as Andy came out with a small bag. "Yeah...let's go."

That's quite possibly one of the dumbest experiences of my entire life. Seriously...I got kicked out of being in front of a porn store? What the...what- what??? Seriously.

A quick trip to the fireworks store, then it was back to Milwaukee. I had hoped to catch a bit of sleep, but I instead worked on the WS3 trailer for a bit (to no avail), then sped off toward Madison to grab the bachelor. Oh yeah, this was interesting...

A tad past Sussex, I noticed a figure on the side of the road holding a thumb out. It's upwards of 90 degrees mind you, and not getting much cooler. I had quite recently sent up a prayer about learning to speak with a bit more courage in the area of my religious beliefs, and figured I'd be doing something wrong if I let this one slide. was really really rediculously hot outside. I turned around at the next exit (a few miles up) and headed back the way I came. He was still there, but walking. I turned around again, got back on the freeway, and caught up with him. I honked, stopped, and he gratefully got in.

"Where you going?"
"Fort Atkinson."
"What the crap are you doing in the middle of the freeway on a day like this?"
"Man, my girlfriend left me."
"That sucks. Need a phone?"
I figured the best way to find something in common with this 16-year-old father would be to express my strong negative feelings toward police officers. Bingo. Wow, did he ever launch into his escapades with cops. Plenty of arrests and nights in jail for the young lad. Also found out that he was just as much into music as I am into film. He named off a number of bands that he liked, such as Disturbed, STP, P.O.D., and the like. I asked if he listened to Orgy.
I gave him a copy of their lastest album that Matt had burned for me. He was very pleased.

It's funny...the moment you mention the Christian Rock in your CD collection, they immediately assume you are offended by certain words.
"Thank you so much, man. My name's Mike by the way."
"Stay cool."
"I'll put this CD in as soon as I get inside!"

I totally found a drive-in theatre on the way to his house. I'm, like, so there.

Anyway, it's getting late. I'm gonna start paraphrasing.

So Matt's bachelor party goes well- he gets free steak, free alcohol, and free used porn (compliments of Andy's very own collection). I did get some good video of about six of us doing a kickline thing and singing to "Piano Man." Good times, good times. Matt and his brother went for a round of cart bowling while Andy peed on Wallgreens, and the night ended with a lovely snack at V's and some tongue-on-cheek action between Matt and some girls whose numbers I should have right now. Someday I'll learn how to do that.

The following day was more filming while trying to avoid rain, thunder, and the occasional tornado warning siren, then came my cast party after taking my lead actress home for some dry clothes (more than one of us had more parts than necessary in the lake...but for that story, you'll have to wait for the DVD). The party was good, except I had no trailer or finished scene to screen. I showed a few action sequences that I've thrown together. They went over well.

Right after the cast party, I took J, David, and Hillary home, then swung down by the Budge for our Summer Party. My scavenger hunt team to second-to-last place. I then proceeded to win the Karaoke Revolution tournament, but lost it soon after winning because I agreed to a second round. First of all, that stupid game is completely incorrect in its evaluation of the pitch in the song "It's the End of the World As We Know It," and second, I could use that $15.00 gift certificate MUCH more than Zach could. He won by less than a thousand points, and I'm very bitter about how nice I always have to be to people.

The next few days were normal, and I did get to go to Lincolnshire to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on the IMAX. It was during this trip that I learned about Bruce Campbell coming to town for a book signing and movie screening at the Oriental, which I promptly missed out on going to because my assistant manager is a big fat (insert word that I can't say here). She refused to work for me simply because "I don't work on Thurdays," and "I don't feel like it."

"You're going to deny me seeing Bruce Campbell just because you don'd WANT to???"

I worked, angrily, all night long, then sped downtown to possibly catch him after the show. He and all his books were long gone. I watched the second half of "The Man With the Screaming Brain," then chatted with Brent and Kelsey for a moment about their experiences with Bruce and Ted fricking Raimi. Had I been able to attend the Q&A, my first question would have been about Spider-Man 3. Of course, had I attended the book signing, I would have had him do either my voice mail on my cell phone or a quick WS promo for the DVD. Alas.

So this is what I was talking about earlier; since she refused to work for me, I am now forced to stop putting effort into our friendship as I did with Raina. I find myself unable to give energy to a relationship when the other partner willfully and maliciously causes me pain. Bonnie commented that it must be hard to be one of my friends. I rebutted with the fact that all you have to do is not be mean to me. Seems simple enough.

Add to this the fact that I recieved two text messages tonight from Mindy's best friend saying that Mindy wants me and "So what do you think of Mindy?," I am certain that I have made a mistake in staying here for another five months. My time has obviously come and gone, and I swear to God that Mindy had better not break up with her boytoy and come looking to me for attention. They're good together and I'm not about to get involved with a barely 18-year-old Disney Princess obsessor. I simply don't have it in me. A fling perhaps, but not with Mike around. That would not be a nice thing to do to him.

Here's to a calmer life. Keep it, yo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Much fear I sense in you.

September 25, 2005 at 11:47 AM  

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