Friday, August 12, 2005

Waiting for Guffman...

...must be just like this.

I was just waiting for Benny to arrive here at the Budge and give me my camera back so I could go film J's show at the Teen Center, but 1)Jen's not playing the song I want to record tonight, 2)Benny did not bring my camera, and 3)I'm out one night's pay because of it all. Blah.

At least I get a Friday night off. I had last Friday "off" for the wedding, but that doesn't count because I had plans. "Off" means I have nothing to do on a Friday night...maybe I'll watch some 24.

J said they'll be ready to play the song next Friday night. Maybe I'll have to get off for that too. I just need a bunch of people to dance in front of them and pretend they like it. We'll see what happens. Keep it, yo.