Wednesday, June 29, 2005


...of things going on.

Sorry about the delay. Busy times.

Filming is slow. And difficult. My actors like to lie to me from time to time.

Work is as it always is. It's only 94.1 degrees in the office right now though, so that's a good start.

Saw Anna a few times over the last few weeks. She seems well.

A few other things I can't talk about go here.

Cast party: July 23rd. WS3 premier: Aug. 13th. Leaving for L.A.: Aug. 16th-ish.

Keep it, yo.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


...beckons me.

I have to work in the morning. I can't sleep. My Internet is not high-speed. Blah.

My fellow Hollywood employees implanted the idea of William Steel Scene It? in my head, so now I keep thinking of WS trivia questions and I'm not even writing them down. I could do it. DVD-style, too.

Hoping to shoot a big fight scene on Saturday, provided I get all my people. Still have a bunch of re-shoots to do, as well as all the rest of the stuff I haven't shot yet. August 13th, huh? God save me.

Keep gettin' stuff in the mail about L.A. After all the window stickers I've recieved from schools across the country, the LAFSC sticker is the first one I actually applied to my car window. Hooray for film schools.

Doesn't look like I'll be shooting that comedy thing I wanted to shoot this Summer, what with WS3 and all the homework I keep getting from L.A. Yes, they actually want me to bring stuff with me to turn in soon after arrival. Whatever, I can's just that they want me to WRITE stuff. Why, God, why? Why can't other people just do the writing, then give it to me to film? I work so much better that way...

The end of the braid is coming soon...I'm going to miss it. Keep it, yo.