Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Much Ado About Nothing...

...and a little ado about a little bit.

Yeah, there's so much to tell.

Shooting is going great, we did all of scene 1 on Sunday- it took 8 hours and 17 people, but we got it. The squibs didn't quite work, but I can deal. I went to the Hollywood Video on 78th and Capitol- they've got an awesome 1 1/2 story warehouse-lookin' basement, which is where I'm gonna shoot the present-day syndicate stuff. We also shot the shower scene...I'm not quite as pleased with it as I had hoped I would be, but again, I can deal. Next week I'm gonna film almost every day, or rather I'm gonna try. So far so good.

It's funny, I know there's more that's happening in my life, but all I can think of is filming. All my stories have to do with WS3. I could go on for hours. Skip it. I'll try to post production photos soon.

Movie of the Day: Dogville
Why it rocks: It's a different take on a lot of Hollywood defaults.
Re-watch value: It's three hours long. You decide.
Is it really that good?: Very good; we'll see what happens with the sequels.

Sorry it's so short. Keep it.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Wrong Number...

...rather, no number, as luck would have it.

Just a quick update today, as I need sleep and we're filming a bunch tomorrow...

The opening scene of WS3 is finally ready to go. At least, I hope it's ready. I'm just waiting to realize I need something I don't have, or someone doesn't show, and I can't film or something. Blagh.

OH! Garden State? AWESOME! Zach Braff's got the skills. Natalie was great, as usual, and brought a perfect depth to this new role that she's never had. Go Natalie. It was really funny, too. Everyone should love it.

So this girl comes into Hollywood to rent some DVDs, and apparently she forgot her card, so she started our conversation with, "I'm gonna have to give you my phone number." Seeing my opportunity, I quickly responed with, "That was pretty forward." I don't think she got it.

And then as I was checking in movies, I found that some diphead had returned their Kill Bill 2 DVD with a burned copy of the movie in the case. So I got a free movie.

Movie of the Day: What Dreams May Come
Why it rocks: It's beautiful, Robin is great with drama, and it actually means something.
Re-watch value: Definitely pretty high, although one might need some time to recover from the sea of faces he has to walk on.
Is it really that good?: For sure.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Garden State...

...No jokes this time. It opens Friday. Watch it.

Greetings Maxxketeers! You'll all be happy to know that Garden State is finally showing up around here; Ridge will have it on Friday as well as the Oriental; I'll be attending a midnight showing there tonight or tomorrow night. Finally. I haven't had a decent Natalie Portman fill since Episode II.

So I had this dream that my sister and her friend from early high school were in Japan as part of the American army, apparently we were at war with them. They were painted green.

WS3 production continues Sunday afternoon; the big opening scene gunfight. This is the first scene I've actually done decent storyboarding for, and I think it's gonna help a lot. I'll know what shot to do next, etc., and I can add in during filming if I think of something creative. This shall be the big-screen debut of many young well as old ones *cough*miketaubel*cough*. Stay tuned for details. I'll normally post around midnight/1 a.m., but I want to focus on typing my script tonight. Certain lead females are getting whiny about it.

The vacation was bearable, I think because I decided to bring my camera along, and got to film a bunch-0-stuff. My sisters do not like being filmed. Oh, and the winery place didn't actually have tours. I just chilled and watched people get tipsy. And a lady that talked like Megan Mullally was apparently having the time of her life. I was not.

Movie of the Day: Wing Commander
Why it Rocks: Matthew Lillard and Freddy Prinze Jr. make thier first movie together (She's All That doesn't count as a movie).
Re-watch Value: Not too high. Not too high at all.
Is it really that good?: Brent says no. I haven't seen it.

Keep it.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Vegas Vacation... would be nice, but it's just up north for me.

Well, two-dollar day has begun at the Budge. It went alright, I suppose. I had four hot dogs, beaten only by Jake who had five. We put up a tally sheet in the office.

The hot tub scene went well; my camera man at the time had the zoom in farther than I had expected, but it turned out really well. I usually have space between the top of our heads and the top of the shot, but it cuts off around our hair somewhere. I kinda like it, I think it looks a bit more natural.

I'll be in Door County Sun.-Tues., so I probably won't be posting for a while. Expect one by next Wednesday night/Thursday morning at the latest. The trip is to include a winery tour (blagh), two nights of camping, and an undisclosed number of nature hikes...I can't imagine I'll have much to say about it upon my return.

I got a new phone today (thanks Kara), so get my number from me. The other one will still be active, but eventually I'm gonna stop carrying it around.

Movie of the Day: Any Given Sunday
Why it rocks: With pre-season starting up, I thought it would be good to get this one out shows the game more realistically and more exaggerated than any other football movie.
Re-watch value: Depends on how much you like football.
Is it really that good?: The direction is, the story kinda is, but as a final product, not really.

Keep it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Rabbit-Proof Fence...

...not tire-proof rabbits.

Good news- the script is done (a few minor dialogue additions to complete), filming has begun, and WS3 is coming along awesomefully! Jen and I shot on Sunday, and I had *hoped* to finish one full scene that day, but we only got eight lines. They were a good eight lines, however... I got to spend some time in bed with Jen when she was wearing a pink lacey nighty. Definitely a good eight lines. Hillary and I shot at Fairgrounds Espresso on Tuesday as well, which was awesome. And I bought a $100 mic for my camera, which works *wonders*! Hill and I are shooting hot tub stuff tonight as well.

I also did some errands for movie purposes today...went down to the airport to ask about filming there- they must be bored or something, 'cuz they invited me up to the airport operations office and seemed more than happy to let me do it. I expected them to be all suspicious and crap, but the guy I talked to hardly even asked what I was going to shoot- he just told me where I couldn't film, which was on the top story of the parking structure and near the security areas. He even suggested shooting by the bomber they have out front...that would be where all the cars drive by...crazy. Oh, and I bought a knife for Jen's character to stab Tanya's character with. It's pretty cool.

Other than that, life is normal. I ran over a rabbit the other day, then got out of my car to make sure it was dead. I stomped it until it stopped twitching, then when I walked back to my car, another car went around me and ran over it again. Then I proceeded back to Eric's house to wash the blood off my leg.

I also came near passing out when I was driving the other night-I was singing/breathing along with Ewan McGregor on my Moulin Rouge CD, and everything went dark and I couldn't focus. I do remember braking, though. I don't think I ate anything that day, that could've had something to do with it...but then I went to Red's house, had a Smirnoff, and played Halo until 5 a.m. Good times.

Last thing-I don't like making announcements like this, but there's a new rule I have to put out there. No more commenting on my blogs unless the comment writer identifies themself. Thanks.

Movie of the Day: Nick of Time
Why it rocks: It's a little movie with Johnny Depp and Christopher Walken. Depp is great in the role.
Re-watch value: Low-ish
Is it really that good?: Well, I guess it could be better, but yeah, it's cool.

Keep it.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Rising Sun...

...burning flesh.

DON'T go tanning between 12 and 3 for more than 30 minutes...that's 15 per side. Trust me. You'd think the sun would just be simple and turn you slowly brown. Nope. Apparently you just stay whatever color you are until 30 minutes AFTER you go inside. Then you just turn pink. And hurt. Or maybe the pain is just your muscles trying to grow back 'cuz you've spent the last two nights working out hard-core to get ready for the shower scene of the movie you think you need to look good for. Enough.

Got my hair cut today at a little place called The Color Tube. I'm guessing they color hair. Holly cut mine, and did a pretty good job. I wanted it cut, but not *look* like it was cut. My mother's response: "So when are you getting your hair cut?" My reply: "An hour ago." But it does look cleaner. Red noticed. Holly said that since I'm filming I can come back any time for a quick trim to keep it looking somewhat the same for free. I told her I'd take care of her late fees.

So I had *another* Ashley Olsen dream. Usually I just have one per celebrity/hot girl. This time I tried kissing both of them goodbye but Mary-Kate kept backing away. Ashley, on the other hand, nodded her approval. It's funny, I was just thinking the other day how I should film my dreams after I have them so I can show people what they were. That would be a good one.

Rumor has it Natalie will be having a not-so-clothed scene in one of her upcoming movies. It's either Garden State or Closer. This doesn't please me all too much, so my only hope is that they don't really show anything. Poor girl, selling out and all...

Yikes, I have a meeting tomorrow at the Budge. Gotta get some sleep.

Movie of the day: Meet Joe Black
Why it rocks: Mostly Pitt.
Re-watch value: It's a bit long, but if you can sit through it, moderately high.
Is it really that good?: Brad Pitt's in it. Name ONE of his movies that isn't.

Keep it.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Music of the Heart... quieter than a concert.

My apologies for the bloglapse. Life gets busy, ya know?

First off, WS3 status update: the meeting went well, except for when Hudy wouldn't shut up, which was, ya know, the whole time. But everyone I cast signed on, and it looks like filming could begin as early as this weekend, the 8th. Which is awesome. Now all I have to do is finish the gosh-darn script. I have about two pages left of the final standoff scene; I went to Greenfield park today and wrote for an hour, which ended up being like half a page. But it's all coming together better in my head, oh and since I added the hot tub scene with Lex, I feel a lot better about scrapping the shower scene with her (which didn't flow with the movie very well anyway) and giving it back to Melanie. And that's what I wanted in the first place, so we're looking good. It's lookin' like a pretty good movie.

Went to Jen's concert last Saturday, filmed the whole thing. As being the first time I saw her live, I wish I could've just sat and watched instead of walking around looking through a camera, but Jen and the camera are really good friends, so it all worked out. Oh yeah, and both her and Ryan did an amazing job. I also saw Shannon there, who I haven't seen in over a year, so that was cool. Except for the part where she told me she had a serious medical condition and could die like anytime. That's not too cool. But she's doin' good.

Movie news:
-Bill Paxton is in every sci-fi movie ever.
-Garden State gets here the 20th...stupid two-week delay.

Oh here's some interesting stuff- this doesn't quite apply to the people who know me, but here it is anyway. Will Fox, president of Landmark Theatre Corp., visited the Budge the other day...apparently we're one of four Landmark movie theatres that are being tested with new movie ticket prices- $2.00 all the time, $1.00 Tuesdays. Which is quite a move, considering prices don't often DEcrease, just INcrease. Anyway, tell your friends who I *don't* let in for free that we're cheaper now. Oh, and hot dogs...$1.00 hot dogs. And ice cream, don't ask me how that's gonna work during winter.

Apparently I need more friends. I tried getting the following people to go with me to see Collateral on Monday. Each was either working, busy, or nowhere to be found: Jen, Hillary, Bonnie, Kara, Brent, Ben, Skip, Sarah...yes, and even April. NOT ACCEPTABLE. The people I mentioned need to be available more often starting immediately. No excuses.

Movie of the Day: Six Degrees of Separation
Why it rocks: I'm not quite sure...but it definitely does.
Re-watch value: Perhaps once, to catch all those words.
Is it really that good?: Yup. Good movie.

I think that's it, I hope it makes up for the days spent blogless. Keep it.