Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Garden State...

...No jokes this time. It opens Friday. Watch it.

Greetings Maxxketeers! You'll all be happy to know that Garden State is finally showing up around here; Ridge will have it on Friday as well as the Oriental; I'll be attending a midnight showing there tonight or tomorrow night. Finally. I haven't had a decent Natalie Portman fill since Episode II.

So I had this dream that my sister and her friend from early high school were in Japan as part of the American army, apparently we were at war with them. They were painted green.

WS3 production continues Sunday afternoon; the big opening scene gunfight. This is the first scene I've actually done decent storyboarding for, and I think it's gonna help a lot. I'll know what shot to do next, etc., and I can add in during filming if I think of something creative. This shall be the big-screen debut of many young well as old ones *cough*miketaubel*cough*. Stay tuned for details. I'll normally post around midnight/1 a.m., but I want to focus on typing my script tonight. Certain lead females are getting whiny about it.

The vacation was bearable, I think because I decided to bring my camera along, and got to film a bunch-0-stuff. My sisters do not like being filmed. Oh, and the winery place didn't actually have tours. I just chilled and watched people get tipsy. And a lady that talked like Megan Mullally was apparently having the time of her life. I was not.

Movie of the Day: Wing Commander
Why it Rocks: Matthew Lillard and Freddy Prinze Jr. make thier first movie together (She's All That doesn't count as a movie).
Re-watch Value: Not too high. Not too high at all.
Is it really that good?: Brent says no. I haven't seen it.

Keep it.


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