Sunday, July 25, 2004

Cool World... Maxx.

It's been a good day...I ate my first actual meal in like a week this morning, which consisted of about 2 1/2 plates of food, then it was off to a party during which I proved to myself that I still gots it. I was beginning to doubt whether or not I was still cool, 'cuz I know I used to be, but once I got goin' again, it all came back. Good times. Then I spent like $200, snuck into someone's apartment, and rearranged thier decor.

Next on the agenda: watch a movie. I was going to go to the Budge to watch The Day After Tomorrow, but theater 6 has sound issues, so I'll wait until we put it in a different theater. I could go see 13 Going On 30, but I'm in an adventure mood. Not a Jennifer "I-used-my-husband-to-get-famous-and-divorced-him-when-I-was" Garner mood.

I'm planning in advance this time, and making plans for a party in late August some time. Assuming it doesn't rain this time...maybe we can do it at someone else's house this Skanse's, they have a hot tub. Bow-chicka-bow-wow...

Movie of the Day: True Romance
Why it rocks: Tarantino wrote it.
Re-watch value: Perhaps once every other year
Is it really that good?: Eh. It's not bad...

Keep it.


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