Sunday, July 25, 2004

Double Take...

...for you, the reader.

I may not be posting for a few days- we'll see. So for now, a double dosage of postage for all my Maxxketeers.

Got through scene 20 today in WS3. Filming is closer! Oh and if anyone can think of any cool stunts for me or my cast to do, let me know. I've also started working out the action sequences, and I need to know what to put in. So far I have a cool bike chase, a possible horse chase, and perhaps some roof jumping. OH and speaking of awesome stuff- The full title of the final Star Wars film was announced at Comic Con today. Here it is- Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith. YEAH! So it's gonna play off the earlier fall of the Sith I guess, and at least Lucas got to get his "revenge" title- originally, episode VI was supposed to be "Revene of the Jedi." So yeah, cool.

5 days until the next Natalie Portman movie is released. Garden State comes out Friday; everyone go see it. Support your local amazing actress!

I keep thinking of movie news to write, but I don't want this to become a cineblog. So if you want cool upcoming movie updates, go to It's run by some guy named Greg from Wisconsin, and he only posts good, reliable stuff. So check it out if you wish.

I tried creating a link to a picture of myself in my profile (gasp!), but it wasn't working out. Stay tuned for that, I'll keep trying.

"I am vitamin L." - Ellynne Kutschera

By the way, if you are or if you know an attractive single girl, send her my way...perhaps I'll expand on that in the future.

Also, feel free to comment on any of my posts at any time. I'd like to know whether this blogging is at least keeping all y'all entertained.

Movie of the Day: I, Robot
Why it rocks: Summer blockbuster, Will Smith and Bridget Moynahan, my 1,000th movie.
Re-watch value: Moderately high
Is it really that good? Yes. It's got a darker feel than most of Will's movies, but in this case, serious is good.

Keep it.


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