Friday, July 23, 2004

A Guy Thing...

...well, a thing for everyone, actually.

Another day, another three hours of sleep lost. Perhaps I shouldn't spend so much time trying to think of clever quips to write in my blog. But I digress.

Topic of the day: movies (big surprise). As you read these entries, you'll find that movies will be an oft spoken of subject. Let's begin with the William Steel series. For those of you new to the idea, William Steel is the main character in the two movies I've made, as well as the movie I am currently writing. As production of William Steel 3: Redemption continues, I will often post updates on anything new and exciting, or perhaps injuries I've sustained during filming (oh, and William Steel 1 and 2 are currently available on DVD. $3.00 DVD, $2.00 soundtrack). As of this afternoon, I have written 17 scenes, with 10 or so left. It should be quicker than the writing of the first half, because there's a lot more action toward the end, and I write the action sequences in the script by writing "-FIGHT-".  So filming is definitely coming  soon...that's all I have to say about that.

I conclude today by adding a section to my blog: the Movie of the Day...props to Tim for originality. So I guess here goes. Enjoy.

Movie of the Day: Supernova
Why it rocks: They have sex in space...dude.
Re-watch value: Low
Is it really that good?: Um...they have sex in space. How could it be?

Keep it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sex in space? kinda hott.....Masterpiece in the Sand should be about this:

An mercenary with nothing but his blade meets a free spirited woman. They togather fight a coperation endangering the world. Throught the mission, they must travel everywhere, from the middle of space to the bottom of the ocean, discovering love along the way.
I'll leave the rest to you...

P.S.-No wonder you got all that work done, you don't do much at work so all you do is write.

July 24, 2004 at 2:23 AM  

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