Friday, July 23, 2004

Secret Window... titular roots

I begin today with my first response to a reader request: What's the deal with "Masterpiece in the Sand?" I debated not revealing too many of my secrets too soon, but then I decided that it wasn't much a secret, and even if it was, it's not cool enough to save and then reveal in the future, and then have people go, "Oh, that's not that great..." So here goes.

I believe it came from my would-be actress, Jenni Davis (also the inspiration for the character Jenni in the William Steel series). Her and Kara Roessger and I were chillin' one day, and Jenni began talking about a sand castle or something that she made when she was little..."It was our masterpiece in the sand." I said that that sounded like a cheesy romance novel, and that I would write it one day. Of course, I also said I'd write Chick 9, but I'm not even to chick 3 yet, so it could be a while.

Well there ya have it. We'll call *this* my Masterpiece in the Sand, and perhaps it'll get published someday as a, not so much. Keep it.


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