Thursday, August 05, 2004

Music of the Heart... quieter than a concert.

My apologies for the bloglapse. Life gets busy, ya know?

First off, WS3 status update: the meeting went well, except for when Hudy wouldn't shut up, which was, ya know, the whole time. But everyone I cast signed on, and it looks like filming could begin as early as this weekend, the 8th. Which is awesome. Now all I have to do is finish the gosh-darn script. I have about two pages left of the final standoff scene; I went to Greenfield park today and wrote for an hour, which ended up being like half a page. But it's all coming together better in my head, oh and since I added the hot tub scene with Lex, I feel a lot better about scrapping the shower scene with her (which didn't flow with the movie very well anyway) and giving it back to Melanie. And that's what I wanted in the first place, so we're looking good. It's lookin' like a pretty good movie.

Went to Jen's concert last Saturday, filmed the whole thing. As being the first time I saw her live, I wish I could've just sat and watched instead of walking around looking through a camera, but Jen and the camera are really good friends, so it all worked out. Oh yeah, and both her and Ryan did an amazing job. I also saw Shannon there, who I haven't seen in over a year, so that was cool. Except for the part where she told me she had a serious medical condition and could die like anytime. That's not too cool. But she's doin' good.

Movie news:
-Bill Paxton is in every sci-fi movie ever.
-Garden State gets here the 20th...stupid two-week delay.

Oh here's some interesting stuff- this doesn't quite apply to the people who know me, but here it is anyway. Will Fox, president of Landmark Theatre Corp., visited the Budge the other day...apparently we're one of four Landmark movie theatres that are being tested with new movie ticket prices- $2.00 all the time, $1.00 Tuesdays. Which is quite a move, considering prices don't often DEcrease, just INcrease. Anyway, tell your friends who I *don't* let in for free that we're cheaper now. Oh, and hot dogs...$1.00 hot dogs. And ice cream, don't ask me how that's gonna work during winter.

Apparently I need more friends. I tried getting the following people to go with me to see Collateral on Monday. Each was either working, busy, or nowhere to be found: Jen, Hillary, Bonnie, Kara, Brent, Ben, Skip, Sarah...yes, and even April. NOT ACCEPTABLE. The people I mentioned need to be available more often starting immediately. No excuses.

Movie of the Day: Six Degrees of Separation
Why it rocks: I'm not quite sure...but it definitely does.
Re-watch value: Perhaps once, to catch all those words.
Is it really that good?: Yup. Good movie.

I think that's it, I hope it makes up for the days spent blogless. Keep it.


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