Thursday, July 29, 2004

Triumph of the Spirit...

...defeat of the body.

Business first: for those of you who have been cast/tentatively cast in William Steel 3, there's a meeting around 7:15 p.m. on Sunday, August 1st at my house. Call if you have questions. We'll be going over the movie scene by scene, and discussing filming dates, etc.

So Katie went and decided her foot was bothering her. Great timing, too. I'm crusin' down Cleveland, minding my own business, and her rear right tire just goes flat. What the heck. Well anyway, she's becoming more like Natalie every day. Now she's got one of Natalie's wheels in addition to the shifter knob, right mirror, front bumper/fender, hood, headlights, driver's seat, back seat, and speakers. Oh, and engine. Her spirit will live on.

Anybody know where crawdads live? Because Jake found one behind the Budge the other day. It's currently in a little bowl of water in the office. I'm not sure how it survived this long, let alone got here in the first place. What do they eat? I think it's dying...

Movie of the Day: Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith
Why it rocks: See above.
Re-watch value: Highest- value- ever.
Is it really that good?: Yes. Yeah I know it's not out yet. Shut up, it's awesome!

Keep it.


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