Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy Accidents...

...are always welcome.

So we got all these new computers and crap installed at the Budge a few days ago. I was really excited about it after looking at the equipment (touchscreen monitors and the like), then not so excited after kinda using it. And Sarah royally pissed me off a million times 'cuz she kept making all the managers come up to "learn to use it," which never actually happened since she was too busy freaking out and not teaching us anything. I swear she blames everyone else for everything that doesn't even matter and she needs to chill the crap out. Blah. So I basically figured out how to do it all myself today.

And THEN I accidentally but awesomely figured out that we have the Internet both in box office AND in concessions. So I'm in box right now, writing to you, my faithful Maxxketeers.

WS update:

Possible horses, I'll find out later this week.
Only a few scenes left to shoot.
I designed the CD covers today, and they look spifariffic. Or at least they should when I make them. I was going to make it a surprise, but since no one actually reads this, it won't matter if I say- I'm going to have the CDs available for purchase after the premier of WS3. That'll tie people over quite nicely until the release of the DVD, which should also look quite awesome.

Enough for now. Why isn't my web site up yet? Oh yeah, I haven't even told Andy to get me started. Soon enough, soon enough. Keep it, yo.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Random Hearts...

...and random thoughts.

Got a buncha filming done recently, which leaves me with less than three scenes left to shoot...I can taste the end. This isn't counting re-shoots, of course. Anywho, I have yet another lead on horses; each time more promising than the last. It's the big finale of the Trilogy- it has to be right. I've been planning the DVD and CD as well- they look exciting so far. More special features than you can shake a stick at. And if you chose to, say, shake a stick at them anyway, they wouldn't bite or anything, I'm just saying.

Suppsed to be going to Great America on Saturday, though I'm not entirely excited about some of the people who are going. Kevin I already don't like, and he's bringing two of his very own friends...lovely. I mean I can talk to the kid just fine, but he's not someone I want to group with to Six Flags. Let's just say he won't be liable to run to the next ride before closing time like certain other people I've gone with. Cirrusly.

But that should be fun anyway.

Turns out dear old Microsoft plans to screw with the system to get XBOX 360 to look good at launch. I was all into getting one, but the only one worth getting is $400. There's a stripped-down version that comes it comes with a controller...a wired's cool...I guess. That one's only $300. On the upside, the $400 one comes with not only a wireless controller, but a 20 gig hard drive (also not available with the stripped one), a headset for Live, a remote (compatible with your television set? Also plays DVDs in your XBOX no doubt), and some other not-as-exciting stuff. Anyway, it's the only version worth getting, so I'm not sure I'll have a 360 as soon as I'd hoped. Oh, well...before Halo 3 hits, I'll have one.

Enough for tonight. Oh, I checked to see if Clymaxx Films was TM'd or anything, and there's nothin' even close. I wonder how much that costs...

Keep it, yo.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Waiting for Guffman...

...must be just like this.

I was just waiting for Benny to arrive here at the Budge and give me my camera back so I could go film J's show at the Teen Center, but 1)Jen's not playing the song I want to record tonight, 2)Benny did not bring my camera, and 3)I'm out one night's pay because of it all. Blah.

At least I get a Friday night off. I had last Friday "off" for the wedding, but that doesn't count because I had plans. "Off" means I have nothing to do on a Friday night...maybe I'll watch some 24.

J said they'll be ready to play the song next Friday night. Maybe I'll have to get off for that too. I just need a bunch of people to dance in front of them and pretend they like it. We'll see what happens. Keep it, yo.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My Best Friend's Wedding...

...get it!?

Best. Weekend. Ever.

I truly felt like a member of the elite over the four days I spent in Madison surrounding Matters' wedding. And I tried thinking of a situation in which someone could have more fun than I had over that all-too-short period of time, but I can't think of one. It started when I went out a day early so I could just spend some time with him before he leaves forever. We chilled, watched Bionicle 2, went out to dinner (paid for by Erin's father), watched the Family Guy movie with Erin's brother, and put together the greenscreen'd shot of Hudy falling into a rocky river. Then we went to bed (separately). On day two, we got our tuxedos, then did a bunch of stuff I don't remember, then had the wedding rehearsal where I saw Chris Conrad and we learned what to do for the wedding. Then came the super tasty rehearsal dinner at a fancy Chinese restaurant (paid for by Matt), and the wedding party guys got these super-awesome pocketwatches that had their names engraved on the fronts. We all wore them for the wedding of course; thus was born, "Chain-shmain! These are watches, baby!" Wait, I'm getting off track. After the dinner, we went to the Holiday Inn and went swimming/hot tubbing, which was awesome 'cuz I don't think I've swam since WS2, and that didn't really count, 'cuz all I did was fall backwards into a lake. But it was good times. Matt and I showered (separately) and went to bed, but neither of us could sleep for the first hour or so. For different reasons, I suspect. Morning came with some room service ($25.00 for pancakes and eggs!?!?) and a quick trip to the mall for some make-up. Then came the ceremony (it was so beautiful!), and lots and lots of pictures. It was very hot in the tuxs. A limo brought us to the capital for some more pictures, where I played King Kong and climbed up a story or so. I also got to pop the cork off a champaigne bottle for us all to share. Meanwhile, our hot photographer Abby took pictures of it all. She did not dance with me at the reception. Speaking of the reception- toward the begninning of it, I got increasingly nervous about my speech. I didn't really expect to be, but I just wanted it to be right and tell Matters all the things that guys don't normally say to each other. But it was well-recieved, and apparently I brought tears to Matt's stepmother's eyes. Shana (sp?) and Nick each gave a short speech as well, which were both lovely and true. I hope Matt and Erin were touched by our words. After I ate dinner and my cake got stolen, I danced for approximately six hours. I got a bunch of video too, which was cool. I did not get the garter. I should have. After the last song and everyone was on their way out, I licked the ice sculpture and went to the "after party," which wasn't much of a party, but I did pretend to play a drinking game. Some guy passed out and I forgot my shoes. Then I went to bed with Kara (together) and slept for not long enough. The next morning brought the gift opening, which made me want to get married really bad, and then came check-out and we went back to Matt and Erin Heiniger's apartment. A bunch of us went to lunch at Olive Garden (paid for by Erin's father), then Dave, Mandy, Erin, Matters, and I went to see Fantastic 4. I almost fell asleep. I helped the newlyweds pack and move some stuff, then we all went to sleep. It was much-needed. On Monday morning I hung out with them for one last hour or so, until they had to go run errands. We said our bittersweet goodbyes, and I drove away. You will be missed.

Keep it, yo.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wedding Crashers...

...won't be needed this weekend.

Aight y'alls, quick updaters for yuz.

First, I promise never to use the word "updaters" ever again. It's just not cricket.

Second, Matters' big wedding day is in a few. I'd have invited a date (coughannacough), but all of my time there will be spent with Matters either behind him on the altar in case he faints or next to him at the special wedding party table at the reception in case he gets too drunk to walk...neither of which will happen. But let's all admit, a drunk Matters is a funny Matters. And that's all that matters.

For those of you who have not heard the terrible, awful, no-good bad news, the moving on of Tim's life has been postponed for, yes, another five months. There's one less movie I'll get to make in Hollywood. Glasses up for the menial jobs.

Therefore, the release of William Steel 3: Redemption has likewise been postponed, so...we're shootin' for October. Early October is my best guess (Oct. 8th?). The DVD plans are also well in the works. "Works" here being, of course, just thoughts in my head.

Oh and finally, I know you've all been chomping at the bit (oh yeah- I have a total lead on some horses! It's gonna cost me though :-( ) for the launch of, but I keep forgetting to ask Andy about it. I should remember sometime on Saturday at the wedding. I's coming.

That's all, peopers. Keep it, yo.