Saturday, September 11, 2004

The Joy Luck Club... nothin' compared to this.

So Kara and I should be on our way down to Club Safari tonight for some...clubbin'... action. Apparently it's for 17 and older, which makes me think that there might be like a separate area for people 21 and older. I guess we'll see, but I don't think there's gonna be a bouncer checking to see if you're young enough either.

Filming should resume on Monday-ish. I am oft-reminded of how little time I have every time I get out of work and almost shiver.

I am planning on getting a computer of my own soon, so if I do and can figure out how to get pictures on here, I can start posting production photos etc., so people have more to look at than my short meaningless blogs. But don't expect those for like a month or something.

I had this dream the other night that these pigs or people were throwing logs at me and a bunch of people...we were in a field and the logs just start landing all around us...those pigs had darn good aim. Anyway we ran to a barn so we wouldn't have logs landing on us. Then it was like the first day of senior year of high school and Legolas was doing some introduction speech and Melissa from the Budge was there and they had to say goodbye to each other and they kissed goodbye in front of everyone. Then Matt and I were looking for lockers, and even though we always got lockers next to each other, Matt got one that didn't have an open one near it and I was freaking out because every locker I tried to get was either broken or locked or had stuff in it...I think that was about it.

Movie of the Day: Jurassic Park
Why it rocks: Spielberg sci-fi genius.
Re-watch value: Very high.
Is it really that good?: Yes. The book was better though.

Keep it.


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