Wednesday, September 22, 2004

An Intimate Friendship...

...that has just begun.

So Kristin comes in the office today and just busts out with, "So Tim, do you like me, are we friends?" I thought for a moment and replied, "Yes, not yet." She seemed a bit confused, which let to a lengthy conversation about friendship and what she expects of me. Apparently she thought we were better friends than I did, so she made me sign a contract saying we were friends forever. Keep in mind this is about an hour after I wrote her up for kicking me.

Good times.

Started watching the Star Wars DVDs akristinrulest Brent's house yesterday; they were awesome, except for the commentary from the two guys behind me who insisted on saying everything they thougth was funny. I tried to block most of it out, but I do remember a mixture of Tarantino and Lucas in the form of, "DOES JABBA THE HUTT LOOK LIKE A B*TCH!?" I also saw most of some boring movie called The Cotton Club at Bonnie's. Lots of celebrities lookin' very young in that movie.

Life continues.

Movie of the Day: Jumanji
Why it rocks: Family adventure at its best. And proof that Kirsten Dunst used to be hot.
Re-watch value: Not bad
Is it really that good?: Not too much of a life lesson to be found, but for entertainment's sake, it's great.

Keep it.


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