Friday, September 24, 2004

The Italian Job... better than the Hollywood job.

Shooting continues Sunday. Finally. I've also been throwing together some ideas for when gets set up. I want to make like some five-minute shorts to put on there, like they do at (check out the gym class video if you have time). I'll get started on that stuff as soon as Kyle and I can order me a computer.

I also found out how to get pictures on here, but I have to download a program, which I'll also do when I get my computer.

Hudy got hired at Hollywood, along with another girl, which marks the end of the first generation of Hollywood Video employees. We'll see how generation 2 goes. Not that I notice so much, I usually just open alone. Which gives me lots of video game playtime. I played a bunch of Second Sight today, which wasn't so great. Decent idea, but not so great. You wake up in a hospital, all messed up, then flashback to six months earlier, where you learn how to shoot a gun. Mmmyeah.

Okay, it's Battlefront time.

Movie of the Day: Team America: World Police
Why it rocks: It's gonna be the best political movie EVER.
Re-watch value: I don't know, it doesn't come out till October.
Is it really that good?: " "

Keep it.


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