Thursday, January 06, 2005

24 Hour Party People...

...are invited!

So the whole Chick 9 thing just isn't working out. I worked on the story a bunch, but a lot didn't fit. I couldn't give all the characters good motives, and I couldn't make the relationships work, and it was just a big expect that page to come down soon. Sorry.

WS3 update: I have like six things I want to shoot before I leave, which should leave me with about five scenes left for Spring. I still plan on editing some at school, so end of Summer is still my approximate release date. Then Christmas '05 for the DVD, as I will still have to film and edit the music video, do cast interviews, put the outtakes together (everyone's favorite, I know), and spruce up WS 1 and 2 since it's a box set. Plus cover art and the soundtrack- blagh! So much to do. And only a year to do it. Oh, and sorry about the calendars not making it out for '05. Apparently that's harder to do than I thought. I'm hoping to film this weekend. Ha ha.

Tentative "going-away" party Friday, Jan. 21st. My house. 6 p.m. Gots ta clear it with the 'rents still, but I've already invited some people, so it better happen. For those of you disappointed with the last party or two, this one should be better. Why? 1) Halo. 2) I'm inviting like everyone I know (except Aprils 1-3). 3) Smirnoff (just for you, Ben). So take this as a general invite. Yes you. All three of you who read this. And in the event you are reading this and are confused about which three those are, just skip it. Here's an invite list off the top of my head: Bonnie Kara Skip Sarah Kyle Matt Erin Ben Kayla Laura Josh Jake Kristin Jason (basically if you work at the Budge and your name isn't Jeanine) Eric Britney Dannie Hillary Zach Ashley Jen David Ryan Ryan etc. For more information, call toll-free(?) at 8813446. Pizza provided. Enough. Keep it.


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