Friday, December 17, 2004

Naked in New York...

...I mean Greenfield.

I like how the door is all locked and the lights are all off when I get home at night...ahh, no place like home.

So as the Budge's Jesusmas party closens, I look forward to watching Ben and twin #1 flirt all night. That'll be fun. Mel brought some naked pictures of herself up to Ben while he was working to try and win him back, buuut that kind of fell through. I think she's only making things worse. Too bad, too...if not for her tendency to restrict his time, I'd say they're perfect for each other. More perfect than him and a 16-year-old anyway.

It's nearing 12:30 A.M., and here I am at my comp again when I should be in bed. What to do, what to do...I actually thought about writing a story, and just adding a bunch to it every time I posted. But that means I would have to finish the story, not only for the sake of my Maxxketeers, but moreso for my own sanity- I have leaving stuff unfinished (hence WS3!!!). And I'm not sure I could do it justice. What do you guys think? Delve into an online novelette or stick to my routine? It would actually cause me much more stress than you might think, but I'll leave it up to my readers. Send me a comment. If I get enough yeses, I might start something.

Filming continues Sunday afternoon with another section of scene 2. Oh crap, I forgot I have to call Eric to get his car. Aight, enough for now. Keep it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey whitewolf -
how about episodes? Write one episode, like a pilot. then if it don't fly, it was just a short story. or else write another episode. etc etc

December 20, 2004 at 3:29 PM  

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